The type of magazine that will be made is a music magazine in a similar form of the NME, The reason i chose to use the style of the NME magazine was because this is the type of music genre I am interested in is 'independent music'.
I am going to follow similar colour schemes to the NME magazine, as I personally think that the colours used compliment each other and make the magazine look more professional. The colours I use will continue throughout the whole magazine to make it recognisable. The image I will be using will be a band, I will be getting them to pose in a welcoming manner directly facing the camera. My magazine will be available in stores and online with EMAG. For my final project the colours will be very similar to the ones used on both of the NME magazines featured in this post, however, the red used in mine will be a very vibrant red mixed with very bright yellow to attract the eye of the target audiences.